Bitwarden é bom 2024 - por que 8.2?

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Classificado 12 de 51 gerenciadores de senhas
Classificado 12 de 51 gerenciadores de senhas
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Katarina Glamoslija
Katarina Glamoslija Diretora de conteúdo
Atualizado em: 19 de julho de 2024
Informações verificadas por Kate Davidson
Katarina Glamoslija
Katarina Glamoslija
Publicado em: 19 de julho de 2024 Diretora de conteúdo

Avaliação do Bitwarden: resumo do especialista

Infelizmente, não há avaliações disponíveis para este gerenciador de senhas. Caso queira compartilhar sua opinião sobre este produto, deixe uma avaliação abaixo. Vamos fazer o possível para publicar uma avaliação detalhada do Bitwarden em breve, mas, enquanto isso, confira nossas avaliações das melhores opções de gerenciadores de senhas em 2024, como 1Password e Dashlane. Você também pode conferir nossa lista personalizada das melhores opções de gerenciadores de senhas do mercado aqui.

Planos e preços do Bitwarden

US$ 0,00 / ano
US$ 1,00 / mês
US$ 3,33 / mês
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Sobre o Autor
Katarina Glamoslija
Katarina Glamoslija
Diretora de conteúdo

Sobre o Autor

Katarina Glamoslija é diretora de conteúdo da SafetyDetectives. Há quase uma década, ela tem tido a experiência pesquisar, testar e revisar produtos de segurança cibernética e investigar as melhores práticas para segurança online e proteção de dados. Antes de entrar na SafetyDetectives, ela foi diretora de conteúdo e editora-chefe de vários sites de avaliações, incluindo um sobre antivírus e outro sobre VPNs. Ela também trabalhou como redatora e editora freelancer para publicações de tecnologia, medicina e negócios. Quando não está sendo uma “Safety Detective”, ela pode ser encontrada viajando (e escrevendo sobre isso em seu pequeno blog de viagens), brincando com seus gatos e assistindo a dramas criminais.

Password Managers Comparison

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Avaliações de Usuários de Bitwarden

*As avaliações dos usuários não são verificadas

31 6
Baseado em 37 avaliações em 6 idiomas 8.5
A confiança de nossos usuários é nossa prioridade número 1! As empresas de antivírus não podem pagar para alterar ou excluir comentários.
dropdown fields
Usuário de Linux
Unfortunately, but bitwarden does not saves the states of the dropdown fields in the login forms. I tried to ask this question at their feedback form, but they sent to me a links to their forum with very long instructions on how to do this. Couldn't this feature had be provided by default, like in the lastpass?? This is very frustrating...
Reino Unido
Best of the best
Usuário de Windows
Bitwarden is easily the best out there as it supports more MFA protocols than any other password manager
Simply Amazing
Usuário de Windows
So this is actually my first time using a password manager and before, I was using only Firefox's built-in password manager... Lockwise.

I did some research and I gathered 2 password managers, LastPass and Bitwarden.

I first tried LastPass since it's a more popular and more widely used password manager but, ugh, I just can't do it with LastPass.

I was trying to import all of my passwords that I exported from Firefox (of course in CSV format) but LastPass couldn't pick up all of my passwords. All I got was just blank entries.

Disappointed with LastPass, I moved to Bitwarden and holy moly, all those import options... jeez, that sure is a lot. Bitwarden picked up all of my passwords without any issue and here I'm, falling in love w...Mostrar Mais
Estados Unidos
Best for me
Usuário de Windows
I would give Bitwarden the least a 4.5/ 5 because I am not judging it based on some of the unnecessary extra features of cosmetics and things l like browsers, Vpn and so on - which is what some Password Managers (PM) offers. These features push up the cost of the PM gives which does not necessarily make you are not more secure. Security can be a relative term and can be manipulated for the sake of marketing. Sometimes even these tech writers get up in the bubble of the marketing lure. Notwithstanding I love to read Sophie even though I may not always agree with her like when she gives Bitwarden a 3/5 rating. But she does an excellent job.

But know ...because I have used those crazed PM over a time. Therefore I am not writing to defend Bi...Mostrar Mais
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Helped me stay safe.
Usuário de Mac
My son introduced me to Bitwarden after I had a conversation with myself on Facebook! I had been hacked and the person decided to chat with me! Since using Bitwarden, I haven't been hacked and I feel my passwords have been stronger and safer than they were before. Now, to help my 95 yo mom with Bitwarden.
14 Eyes
Usuário de Mac
I agree that hosting the server in 14 Eyes country is a concern, but the server data is strongly encrypted. If you're on security services radar, then it's bad news. But if you're John or Jane Doe, then it's pretty unlikely that intelligence services will be interested enough in you to try and hack into open source code and vacuum up data. So giving 3/5 to Bitwarden is a bit unfair.
Estados Unidos
Almost as full-featured as LastPass, but costs less...
Usuário de Mac
There is two-factor authentication (Duo security, email, and a couple of other options) in Bitwarden now. Password sharing via "Collections" is also implemented. So this review, as far as I can see, is not updated for 2020, since it's pretty far out of date. I switched from LastPass to BItwarden when LastPass was bought by a hedge fund at the end of last year, and found it to be fully functional.

The ONLY thing that I miss from LastPass is the emergency access feature of LastPass, where you can allow someone else access after the account owner is not heard from in a number of days. In lieu of that in Bitwarden, I set up a collection for my wife, and she has her own login credentials for her account, which includes the collection that I ...Mostrar Mais
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Bjorn Johansson Roger
I hope this updated article meets your needs Roger! The 2FA options are great, and I'm honestly a pretty big fan of this PM. It's like a scrappy underdog to me, and I have a lot of love for the open source community that think it's #1.
poor support
Usuário de Linux
Support replied in less than 24 hours but their reply was nonsense. They suggested that after logging in successfully about 20 times I forgot my email address. Then 2 hours later I suddenly remembered it. The reply looked like a templated reply. I doubt they even read my question. The good news is that I have installed another password vault and have not forgotten my email address !
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Siam nats
Bitwarden has zero knowledge on your info, they do not know your email because it's one way salted hashed
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rats nats
You my friend, is a retard.
África do Sul
Usuário de Windows
Again a terribly biased review (as usual for this site). This site appears to only give good reviews to the ones they are associated with. Bitwarden is open source, what more could you want as an assurance for your data security? Yes Bitwarden may lack in the feature department, but would you rather have great security and less features or visa versa? In every review I've read on this site, you compare the reviewed password manager to Dashlane and LastPass, being closed source there will be so many severe security issues yet to be found. Bitwarden is open source, so any one can view the code and report issues. With Bitwarden, you can even host your data on your own server if you`re worried about security.
Larry McJunkin
Larry McJunkin
Estados Unidos
Much better than this site's review
Usuário de Mac
There are many sites similar to that purport to be experts on apps like password managers, VPNs, etc. The problem I've found with ALL of them is they exist solely for their collusive efforts to seemingly review apps but then recommend ONLY the ones with which they have affiliate marketing relationships.

I get that they're trying to make money and I'm not begrudging them that. But for the most part, I've found their reviews and comparisons a little like reviewing a Mercedes, a Bentley, a Porsche, and a Mazda...then telling everyone the Mazda is by far the best automobile, only because they make 10% on the sale of every Mazda that starts out on their site. Call it what you's collusion.

That said, I'm a ret...Mostrar Mais
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Erin Larry McJunkin
Thank you for your perspective. I am looking for my first password managing software which will be for personal use and also for my very small business I am running (so I can have my assistant and various contractors be able to lo...Mostrar Mais
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