Bitwarden é bom 2024 - por que 8.2?

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Classificado 12 de 53 gerenciadores de senhas
Classificado 12 de 53 gerenciadores de senhas
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Atualizado em: 27 de março de 2024
Informações verificadas por Kate Davidson
Katarina Glamoslija
Katarina Glamoslija
Publicado em: 27 de março de 2024

Avaliação do Bitwarden: resumo do especialista

Infelizmente, não há avaliações disponíveis para este gerenciador de senhas. Caso queira compartilhar sua opinião sobre este produto, deixe uma avaliação abaixo. Vamos fazer o possível para publicar uma avaliação detalhada do Bitwarden em breve, mas, enquanto isso, confira nossas avaliações das melhores opções de gerenciadores de senhas em 2024, como 1Password e Dashlane. Você também pode conferir nossa lista personalizada das melhores opções de gerenciadores de senhas do mercado aqui.

Planos e preços do Bitwarden

US$ 0,00 / ano
US$ 10,00 / ano
US$ 40,00 / ano
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Sobre o Autor
Katarina Glamoslija
Katarina Glamoslija
Diretora de conteúdo

Sobre o Autor

Katarina Glamoslija é diretora de conteúdo da SafetyDetectives. Há quase uma década, ela tem tido a experiência pesquisar, testar e revisar produtos de segurança cibernética e investigar as melhores práticas para segurança online e proteção de dados. Antes de entrar na SafetyDetectives, ela foi diretora de conteúdo e editora-chefe de vários sites de avaliações, incluindo um sobre antivírus e outro sobre VPNs. Ela também trabalhou como redatora e editora freelancer para publicações de tecnologia, medicina e negócios. Quando não está sendo uma “Safety Detective”, ela pode ser encontrada viajando (e escrevendo sobre isso em seu pequeno blog de viagens), brincando com seus gatos e assistindo a dramas criminais.

Password Managers Comparison

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Avaliações de Usuários de Bitwarden

*As avaliações dos usuários não são verificadas

31 6
Baseado em 37 avaliações em 6 idiomas 8.5
A confiança de nossos usuários é nossa prioridade número 1! As empresas de antivírus não podem pagar para alterar ou excluir comentários.
Mario Limoncello
Mario Limoncello
Estados Unidos
Usuário de Android
You should look into the autofill key combination Ctrl -shift-L. It makes autofill really pleasant to use with bitwarden.
The best one for me
Usuário de Android
This password manager is very much perfection. It is very easy to use, well at least for me. It is very secure because it is open source and also Bitwarden keeps user data secure with 256-bit AES encryption & Bitwarden is also a zero-knowledge password manager, meaning no one from the company can access or see the data in your Bitwarden vault, it can't recover my password because of zero knowledge policy, but that is just proof that it actually is secure and no one like hackers and even bitwarden employees can't access my credentials. And the best of all, it is FREE! So overall it is the best and I will go with it till the day I face the inevitable.
Tony Kay
Tony Kay
Estados Unidos
I won't be using anything else!
Usuário de Mac
Since I discovered BitWarden I'm absolutely smitten. One thing, in particular, makes it infinitely better than the competition: the inclusion of a command-line interface! This enables you to easily store sensitive information for development (AWS access keys, SSH keys, etc.) in Bitwarden instead of unencrypted files on disk (.profile, ~/.aws/credentials). This dramatically improves the security on development machines, and because the command line utility can be used to do things like extract the data from bitwarden and set env variables or install keys into ssh-agent it doesn't even hurt usability! So great.
The best free password manager ever!
Usuário de Mac
Bitwarden is a highly secure password protection tool, and the fact that it has never been hacked is evidence of its infrastructure's strength. While the enhanced version is lacking in some ways, it's still a good value for money and excels at cybersecurity.
Anthony Hall Tabor
Anthony Hall Tabor
Reino Unido
Excellent and free
Usuário de Android
After 15 years with 1password licensed version I moved to Bitwarden to avoid monthly fees. Its great, imports 1password pux files, has browser auto fill, works on pc and android. Has type and folder fields for organising. It's great. Recommended
Gary P
Gary P
Estados Unidos
Two words - Biometric Login
Usuário de Mac
The fact that I can log into everything I access, on such a frequent basis, with a registered personal feature, saves me a tremendous amount of time. I share the logins-in-common with my SO and I would just have to ask them to take over if I was in need. Simple, Presto, Peace of Mind! I carry the Android, iPhone, Windows tablet, Chromebook, and work in front of the Windows, Linux, and Apple devices every day. I have all of my logins (100+) at the tip of my fingers, very literally, at all times. Free Account, using 1 Organization, and sharing with 1 user. Bitwarden is the perfect password manager for my situation.
Easy to use and powerful
Usuário de Linux
I was a little hesitant at first, but due to the recent tightening of Lastpass usage policy, I switched from Lastpass to free Bitwarden extension. I imported my passwords database from Lastpass and everything works fine in Bitwarden! I don't use autofill of logins/passwords because almost any input form fills out instantly and correctly via the mouse context menu in Bitwarden. This was my first time installing a desktop client, but as it turns out, I can safely work with just one browser extension.
Even with the sometimes and somewhat paranoid requirements for password managers, but Bitwarden always works perfectly and correctly. I really like this convenient, powerful and uncomplicated password manager!
Big thanks to Bitwarden's developers!
Estados Unidos
Simple & Safe
Usuário de Windows
I was a long time user of LastPass but after it was breached several times I decided it was time to move on. Several IT professionals recommended Bitwarden as an excellent PM. I exported all of my 300 passwords from LastPass and Bitwarden easily imported them with just a few adjustments. I've been using Bitwarden now for the past year and it works wonderfully for me. After a short learning curve I have found it to be easier and simpler to use. I like it so much that I paid the $10 for the premium version just to endorse it. Yes, there are times that the auto-fill or auto-save have hickups, but they are easy to correct. I would look no further for a simple and safe PM.
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0.0/ 10.0
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