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US$ Dólar americano€ Euro£ Libra esterlinaAED Dirham dos E. ÁrabesARS Peso argentinoAU$ Dólar australianoBGN Lev búlgaroR$ RealCA$ Dólar canadenseCHF Franco suíçoCLP Peso chilenoCN¥ Yuan chinêsCOP Peso colombianoCZK Coroa tchecaDKK Coroa dinamarquesaEGP Libra egípciaHK$ Dólar, Hong-KongHUF Florim húngaroIDR Rúpia Indonésia₪ Novo shekel israelenseINR Rúpia IndianaJP¥ Iene japonês₩ Won coreanoMX$ Peso mexicanoMYR Ringgit da MalásiaNOK Coroa norueguesaNZ$ Dólar da Nova ZelândiaPLN Zloti polacoRON Novo leu romenoRUB Rublo russoSAR Rial da Arábia SauditaSEK Coroa suecaSGD Dólar de Singapura฿ Baht da TailândiaTRY Nova lira turcaNT$ Novo Dólar TaiwanêsUAH Hryvnia da Ucrânia₫ Dong vietnamitaZAR Rand sul-africano
Muhammad Ahmad
Muhammad Ahmad is a former writer for SafetyDetectives. He's technology and marketing enthusiast who strives to explore the most up-to-date issues in internet freedom and cybersec. In order to share new insights with his readers, Ahmad is always on the lookout for new helpful angles to explain.
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